Monday, October 7, 2019

New technologies at the service of talent management

BI and Big Data tools are changing the management of human resources, and particularly important transformations are already taking place in the recruitment and talent management phases. These new technologies are intended to support the HR function in order to better understand the profiles of each employee and thus align their aspirations to the needs of the company.

If for a long time the term Big Data was misunderstood, today it has become a reality for many companies. Used for commercial purposes, marketing allows to better apprehend its client. More generally, Big Data as and tools of analysis of big volumes of data (Business Intelligence) from now on address the department of the human resources whose customers are neither more nor less than the collaborators of the company. Well used, all these data represent a veritable gold mine informational on the path of each and career aspirations. Added to this information are those from the internet and social networks. All the work of the HR function is to be able to use all available data wisely.

Another technology that is increasingly popular in companies is RPA (Robotic Process Automation). It is an automation technology based on artificial intelligence and Machine learning.

And the benefits of this technology are numerous. First of all, economically, it allows the reduction of repetitive and manual tasks. It ensures faster execution of the latter and a certain standard compliance. Lastly, the RPA improves customer satisfaction and the quality of work-life of employees who can devote themselves to less boring tasks.

Finally, Artificial Intelligence is undoubtedly the most developed technology. It is everywhere and tends to take a bigger and bigger place in companies. At the HR level, it acts on recruitments and makes it possible to guarantee a more precise selection of profiles for a vacant position.

A turning point in human resources management

From this postulate, the promises of Big Data in HR are attractive. For talent management, Big Data makes it possible to check CVs, training, and offers. The algorithm categorizes the skills of the profile and the positions available to offer employees career paths that may correspond to them. HR can offer a personalized support service to the employee.

From now on the HRM occupies a central place in the company and becomes master of the information. A way to give him greater responsiveness in his choices regarding the management of the company's talents.

New technologies as an employee loyalty booster

The other advantage of HR analytics comes from its ability to draw predictive models of employee behaviors. These models aim to alert HR to warning signs of demotivation or even resignation. A way to better analyze it and set up the most relevant retention or departure strategy.

Finally, HR analytical tools enable the company to regain control of its e-reputation by assessing its social climate by confronting external insults and internal feelings. Having as much information as possible allows the HRD to put in place the best action plans to develop its employer brand.